
You'll find Accuride ball bearing slides used in machinery and manufacturing facilities to provide movement, access, and positioning for:

Pullout components or chassis within equipment
Shields, machine guards, and work surfaces
Diagnostic or auditing computer screens and equipment
Large components and assemblies

Fitting Features

Special features such as lock-out will hold moving units in a secure position for access or servicing. And for wet, humid, or hot conditions, Accuride offers aluminum and stainless steel slides that are corrosion-resistant and have special grease formulations.

From performing as non-load-bearing guides in precision equipment to stillages carrying hundreds of pounds safely across a factory floor, Accuride has a range of solutions for industrial machinery and manufacturing.,height:450,width:789/6w7tSLbISqu0cPF4GULD

Heavy-Duty Slides in a Letter Sorting Machine

This letter-sorting machine is an easy-to-operate system designed to sort and sequence large mail volumes. Trays, mounted on Accuride's 9301 slides, are located underneath each stacker section to enable quick and error-free stacker sweeping and tray filling. Model 9301 was chosen to ensure sufficient strength and durability in this demanding application.,height:450,width:789/M0nhbn14RxyxSSKKKSOQ

Linear Motion Guide for Machine Guard

The movement on this machine guard was improved with the installation of Accuride's 115RC Linear Motion Track System with recirculating ball bearing carriages. A new optional kit provides dampening to slow units at the end of travel.

The tracks are cut to length or butted together making this linear track system extremely flexible and cost effective. Ball bearing carriages provide movement within the tracks. The versatility of this product and the ultra smooth movement are attracting product designers in many different industries.,height:450,width:789/sGOuyur7TepwLF7MxzgA
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Corrosion Resistant

Accuride offers a host of sliding systems designed to withstand harsh environments. Included are stainless-steel telescopic slides, weather-coated drawer solutions, aluminum track systems, and more. Providing you with industrial-strength and rigorously tested movement to adapt to your challenge.